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3rd Sector

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$200per month


(less than 500 employees)

$440per month


(500-5000 employees)

$630per month

Very Large

(5000-10000 employees)

$785per month

Extra Large

(10000-15000 employees)

$880per month

XX Large

(15000-20000 employees)

$1,100per month

XXX Large

(20000-25000 employees)

$1,320per month


(25000-30000 employees)

$1,540per month


(30000-50000 employees)

$1,760per month


(50000-75000 employees)

$1,980per month


(75000-100000 employees)

Included local tax.

Charged annually.

Over 15,000 employees? Get in touch for a quote.

Contact us to discuss

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What our customers are saying

We, probably like most hospital trusts, are very careful about our 'core' stuff, and very lazy with peripheral stuff, like furniture.

This leads to huge waste.

Warp-It is helping us get control of some of these peripheral things -

changing people's attitudes about them, and helping us make savings against furniture and the other items we post on Warp-It.

We're going to massively expand our use next year.

Chris Webb, Mid and South Essex NHS FT

It's just so much better to be able to reuse items!

So much money is wasted in the NHS and this is one way of making things go a little further and also saving the environment.

Lindsay sykes, Manchester NHS

Very useful! 

Thanks for your help!

Ann Soutar, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde